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May 1992


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 May 1992 08:58:00 EST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
From:   NAME: Joe Rader
        FUNC: University Archives
        TEL: 974-0048                         <RADER@A1@UTKLIB>
To:     NAME: IN%"[log in to unmask]" <IN%"[log in to unmask]"@MRGATE@UTKV
    Last season there was one episode of "Northern Exposure" that struck me
    at the time as employing a quite Brechtian technique.  The episode was
    moving along in a suspenseful development of the plot which called for
    a duel.  The two combatants were standing back-to-back in a field,
    ready for the signal to commence when one of the characters yelled,
    "Wait a minute, I don't like the way this is turning out." Etc. Etc.  A
    great brouhaha ensued while all the usual characters discussed the
    matter, sometimes looking directly into the camera and gesticulating to
    it as if they were talking to the audience one-to-one-rather than
    through the construct of acting their "normal"  characters.
    Ultimately they cut to a commercial or something, as I recall, and
    whent he show resumed everything was back in the ur-fictitious story.
    It was only a brief moment.  But I remember thinking that I had never
    seen anything quite so boldly like Brecht.
    Joe C. Rader - Univ. of Tennessee Libraries - Knoxville 37917
    (615) 974-0048