Re: Films/Kuleshov Effect
Mon, 31 Jan 1994 00:54:00 EST
V. I. Pudovkin wrote "Kuleshov and I made an interesting experiment ..."
where a single neutral close up was matched with three different shots.
He said that for "an audience which hadnot been let into the secret the
result was terrific. The public raved about the acting of the artist."
(V.I.Pudovkin ON FILM TECHNIQUE, reprinted with FILM ACTING, 1958, PP167-168)
The original paper was written in 1929. It is doubtful whether any such
demonstration ever took place, it is clear that it was not an experiment
in any contemporary understanding of the term.
To answer the query about available footage directly.
There is likely none available, either Pudovkin's nor anyone else's
The footage is easy to reconstruct should one wish. This made it
interesting as graduate students projects since it seemed, somehow,
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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