Re: NEW List: Campus Action to Preserve Education Rights (fw
Wed, 1 Mar 1995 10:55:30 CST
Originally posted by Victor Catano. Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
In article <[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I don't understand the specific link to film and television studies on this
>posting. It strikes me as pure political propaganda for more tax money, not
>reasoned argument.
>There is a convincing school of thought, best found in Charles Sykes
>excellent book "Profscam," that federal aid has harmed higher education and
>led to much of the political correctness now found on campus. Cutting federal
>aid will hurt bureaucrats who administer it, not students.
>My parents went to college for FREE at CCNY, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Hunter
>College before federal aid. Now that federal aid exists, all charge tuition,
>to take advantage of the system of reimbursements. All have huge
>bureaucracies to administer it.
>Cutting federal aid will restore the superior free education found in
>American state and city universities prior to the 1960's.
>Larry Jarvik
Some people excel at trying to look past the obvious.
The reason this applies to film and television studies is that if all these
cuts to education go through, there may not be any more film and
television studies.
State support for the SUNY system is being hacked by 32% by Gov. Pataki.
If jis budget passes, the shortfall will be made up by raising tuition
by up to $1800 a semester. AS well, student loan programs are being cut,
and in some cases eliminated. Gee, Mr Jarvik, you're right. That'll really
show those bureaucrats.
Add to that whatever cuts to federal aid Newt Gingrich has in mind, you're
looking at quite a lot of $4.25 hours students will have to put in to
keep up their "Film and Television" studies.
Nope. Absolutely no relevance at all.
Victor G. Catano
SUNY at Buffalo