The Digital Dialectic
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 07:47:24 CST
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The Digital Dialectic:
A Conference on the Convergence of Technology, Media & Theory
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena
The Ahmanson Auditorium
August 4-6, 1995
Panelists: Robert Stein, Florian Brody, George Landow, Peter Lunenfeld, Lev
Manovich, Erkki Huhtamo, Brenda Laurel, Christian M=F6ller, William J.
Mitchell, N. Katherine Hayles, Michael Heim, Carol Gigliotti.
=46or more information contact Dr. Peter Lunenfeld, Graduate Faculty, Art
Center College of Design, 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA 91103. Phone:
818.568.4710; Fax: 818.795.0819.
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The Conference:
The Digital Dialectic is an interdisciplinary jam session about what is
happening to our visual and intellectual cultures as the computer recodes
technologies, media, and art forms. This single track conference brings
together scholars and artists who combine theoretical investigations with
analysis of the possibilities (and limitations) of the technologies
involved in digital art and media. The digital dialectic grounds the
insights of theory in the constraints of practice -- offering conceptual
tools based on a user's understanding of how these media are created and
work. This conference will build an aesthetic theory for the 1990s, carving
out a discourse that is neither mired in the past nor overly enamored of
the new.
The Panelists:
William J. Mitchell -- Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of Bits: Space, Place,
and the Infobahn
N. Katherine Hayles -- English Dept. at UCLA, author of Chaos Bound:
Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science
George Landow -- Professor of English and Art History, Brown University,
author of Hyper/Text/Theory
Brenda Laurel -- Interval Research, virtual reality expert and author of
Computers as Theater
Michael Heim -- philosopher, author of The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality
Christian M=F6ller -- Frankfurt-based architect specializing in interactive
environments and installations
=46lorian Brody -- New Media Consulting, Vienna, formerly technical director
of the Expanded Book Project at The Voyager Company
Carol Gigliotti -- Education and Technology Liaison,
Wexner Center for the Arts; Department of Art Education, Ohio State Universi=
Lev Manovich -- University of Maryland, editor of Tekstura: Russian Essays
on Visual Culture
Peter Lunenfeld -- Art Center College of Design, founder of mediawork: The
Southern California New Media Working Group
Erkki Huhtamo -- Professor of Media Studies, University of Lapland,
Rovaniemi, Finland
Robert Stein, Founding Partner, The Voyager Company, New York
The Context:
The Digital Dialectic takes place the weekend before the opening of
SIGGRAPH '95 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Those already planning
to come to SIGGRAPH will be able to extend their trip to include this
event. In addition, there will be scholars interested in the implications
of new technologies who will come to Southern California specifically to
attend this conference. Finally, there is the huge audience for these
issues already present in Southern California: scholars at USC, UCLA,
Caltech, Cal Arts, etc.; entertainment industry members concerned with the
convergence of Hollywood and Silicon Valley; artists and designers
branching out into new media; and, of course, the vast public already
obsessed with these issues.
When the future writes the history of how the computer transformed culture,
the 1990s will be seen as the decade that made "content" count. The Digital
Dialectic's speakers are neither prophets nor business consultants: they
won't be talking about what to do this quarter or next. They are, however,
uniquely suited to think about the "big picture," and just as important, to
caution against hype. The Digital Dialectic is a unique conference, which
will appraise content with tools that go beyond buzzwords and address the
use value of theory.
Concurrent with The Digital Dialectic, the Alyce de Roulet Williamson
Gallery at Art Center will mount Digital Mediations, an exhibition of seven
international artists who are using digital and interactive media. These
include Jim Campbell, Ken Feingold, Sara Roberts, Bill Seaman, Christa
Sommerer/Laurent Mignonneau, and Jennifer Steinkamp. The show is curated by
Laurence Dreiband, Erkki Huhtamo, and Stephen Nowlin and runs from August 6
to October 1, 1995. Opening reception, Saturday, August 5, 6:00-9:00 PM.
=46or more information call 818.396.2244.
The Schedule:
=46riday August 4
6:00 to 7:30 Welcome: Richard Herz, Chair, Graduate Studies, Art Center
Keynote: Robert Stein
7:30 to 9:00 Conference Reception
Saturday August 5
9:30 to 12:30 Florian Brody, George Landow, Peter Lunenfeld
2:00 to 5:00 Lev Manovich, Erkki Huhtamo, Brenda Laurel
6:00 to 9:00 Digital Mediations Gallery Opening and Reception
Sunday August 6
9:30 to 12:30 Christian M=F6ller, William J. Mitchell,
N. Katherine Hayles
2:00 to 4:00 Michael Heim, Carol Gigliotti
4:00 to 5:00 Panelists Roundtable
The Directions:
To get to Art Center from Downtown Los Angeles: North on the 110 Freeway to
Pasadena, approximately three miles past Dodger Stadium to Orange Grove
Boulevard exit [L], go two miles to Holly Street Signal [L], to Linda Vista
[R] (you will be entering a residential area); continue for two miles to
Lida Street signal [L]. Continue on Lida Street to the top of the hill; you
will see the see the Art Center sign on your left. Follow the drive and
enter the Student Parking Lot and walk back through the building to the
Ahmanson Auditorium.
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