Re: Faith of Cecil B. DeMille and Roberto Rossellini who made Jesus films
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 09:37:56 -0500
Contact the leading DeMille expert Bob Birchard at [log in to unmask]
I am SURE he can give you the info you need.
I am certain DeMille was Protestant probably Anglican
Jessica Rosner
Kino International
333 W 39th St. 503
NY NY 10018
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> From: Nancy Mockros <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 22:04:20 -0800
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Faith of Cecil B. DeMille and Roberto Rossellini who made Jesus films
> Any DeMille experts out there know about his faith or
> affiliation/background or who could point me to a source of such
> information? Like what was his denomination? Or at least: was he
> Protestant or Catholic? What about other early filmmakers who made Jesus
> movies? Does anyone know about Rossellini? Were they primarily Protestant
> or Catholic or neither?
> I'm debating this kind of thing with a Washington Post writer for his
> article on the Passion, since I recently completed a dissertation on this
> stuff. For example, several recent productions (like the JESUS film and
> The Gospel of John) were made by Jewish producers, and others (The Gospel
> According to Matthew and Miracle Maker) by atheists and agnostics. Any
> further insights along these lines from history would help us. Thanks!
> ----
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