Re: Strong foreign women in films - Bill Vasilion
Thu, 2 Jun 1994 10:18:21 EDT
Charlie...I have an interesting conundrum for you...Recently, my
daughter and I saw Four Weddings and a Funeral...a supposedly British daugher (age 13, very bright, very intuitive) said that it
wasn't a British Film at all, that it was an American Film with
British accents....and hardly like Enchanted April or, Howards End
or Orlando for that matter(all of which she'd seen)
I don't think Americans see much British film anymore...not like
it used to be...and then American films suck everyone in like a
black hole.....(My memory ls going with my age...but...there wa
s Gregory's Girl...I loved that film!...Tight little island...
Local Hero...." What happened to Bill _______(can't remember hsi
name). And look what happened to Peter Wier and Fred Scheppsis?
> Your request for info about foreign films and films made in Scotland
> was itself quite strange. I think you should reconsider the term very
> carefully and think about how American cinema constitutes itself as
> normative.
> But a film which might interest you: Nikita (Besson, France 1990)
> strong female lead with a GUN and, of course, remade for the American
> market.
> In Britain we are so under the sway of American culture that British
> films themselves often feel foreign, that is unusual and
> unrepresentative: the recent clutch of heritage films seems made to
> confirm stereotypes of Britain as much as anything else. But to
> accuse cinema of misrepresentation would be naive, it rarely attempts
> to represent anything for fear of offending somebody.
> In terms of national cinema and how it might be defined, and thereby
> how you might analyse foreign cinema and notions of it. Andrew Higson
> wrote in Screen 1988, no.3 I think on the concept of a national
> cinema with specific reference to Britain.
> Charlie Clark
> (student)
> University of Glasgow
> Department of Film and Television
> Florentine House
> Glasgow
> tel +44.(0)41.946.18.16
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