Conference of the Film Studies Association of Canada. Call for Papers
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 14:14:25 -0800
FSAC/ACEC 2001 Annual Conference
Call for papers, Member-Organized Panels and Joint Panels
Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities
Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec.
May 26-28, 2001
Deadline for Submissions: 15 January, 2001
FSAC/ACEC Conference and Congress Themes:
1)The Role of the Intellectual in Society,
2) Language, Culture and Community,
3) Plagues and Viruses.
The 2001 Conference will adopt the interdisciplinary objectives of the
Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Therefore, we especially
encourage proposals for joint panels, as well as proposals for papers,
roundtables and workshops that foreground the diversity of our discipline
and foster relationships with other associations. We encourage you to engage
with the Congress themes. Thus paper and panel topics could include, but are
not limited to, the following:
The Role of Film Scholarship in Canadian Society
The Historiography of Film Studies
Film Studies and Academia
The Future of Film Studies as an Academic Discipline
The Filmmaker as Intellectual
Public Intellectuals and Film
Film and Language
Cinema as Community: the Phenomenon of Film Festivals
Film Culture in Canada
Outside perspectives on Canadian Film Studies
Plagues and Viruses in the films of David Cronenberg
The Film Image as Virus
Artaud, the Plague and Film
More generic topics can also be examined, such as:
National Cinemas
Film Genres
Gender in Film
Film and the Body.
Only proposals by paid-up members will be considered. Submit abstract
(100-200 words) and a brief rationale for member-organized sessions to:
André Loiselle, President
Film Studies Association of Canada
School for Studies in Art and Culture
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive,
Ottawa,ON K1S 5B6
Phone: 613-520-3786
FAX: 613-520-3575
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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