Thu, 13 Jan 1994 19:40:00 EST
I'm interested in animation--particularly U.S. non-Disney-so-overtly-
commercial animation; Japanimation (especially non-mystical/sci-fi genre
stuff--more along the line of _Neo-Tokyo_ or perhaps _Twilight of the
Cockroaches); European animation (especially Eastern Europe: Jan Svenkme
jer; Laurenstein brothers(_Balance_); others); and just any foreign ani-
mation I guess. I'm interested in the state of the "art" (let's not be
pretentious) in other countries and its general reception. Why is it
in America that animation is virtually synonymous with kiddie programs.
It is changing perhaps with Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, Aeon Flux
animation is still looked upon as bastard novelty like comic books.
(By the way, for anyone interested in good book on comics and "comic
theory" I highly recommend Scott McCloud's _Understanding Comics_ which
has a section which is compatible with cutting/editing.)
Much is probably being done in commercials, music videos (maybe), and
cable shows; but why is it that for probably more than 20 years the same
"cartoons/comics--they aren't just for kids anymore" article occur every
---Sterling Chen (UNC-Chapel Hill)