New Media Faculty Position
Wed, 1 May 1996 22:45:48 CDT
San Diego State University's School of Communication invites
applications for tenure-track position in new media studies beginning
academic year 1996-97 (8/26/1996).
Position requires Ph.D., M.F.A. or equivalent and ability to teach
undergraduate and grad. courses that relate new media to one or more
of the school's degree programs: Undergrad. degrees are offered in
communication, journalism, and TV/film/new media; grad. degrees in
communication and TV/film/new media production.
Applicants' research and/or creative work and teaching should
emphasize new media.
Send letter, vita, and 3 letters of reference to:
New Media Search Committee
attn: Greg Durbin
School of Communication
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4561
Screening began April 15 and continue unitil filled
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