v chip in canada
Sun, 21 Jul 1996 21:17:29 -0400
I have only very recently joined this list, and I usualy try to lurk for a
week or two before I put in my five cents' worth, but I'd like to add a
personal note to the discussion about the V chip and its Canadian trials.
First, I don't know of any Canadians who are proud that the V Chip was
invented by a Canadian. Most of the ones I know - a self selected group, I
admit - are a tad embarrassed about the whole thing.
Second the trials in Canada were a bit of a boondoggle, actually. Not
surprising with a new technology like this. But it would be a bit of an
overstatement to say thet the V chip worked. I have quite a file of amusing
newspaper stories about the fiascos during the trial period.
Everything Patricia Mitchell said about how the V chip is supposed to work -
and no doubt eventually will work - is accurate so far as I know. A lot of
politicians and network people are hitching their wagons to the V chip at
this very moment.
Chris Worsnop
Chris M. Worsnop
Consultant, speaker, workshop leader
Assessment, writing, media education
2400 Dundas Street West
Unit 6, Suite 107
Ontario, Canada
L5K 2R8
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