SCREEN-L Archives

January 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Jan 1993 10:33:16 CST
Resent-From: Jeremy Butler <JBUTLER@UA1VM> Originally-From: Gordon Sroufe <[log in to unmask]> Warning -- original Sender: tag was NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1
text/plain (32 lines)
There's a new video-oriented discussion list starting up...
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
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   Announcing the formation of a new discussion list for individuals
   interested in all aspects of video production and operations.
   The list is called VIDPRO-L.  The focus of discussion will be
   professional video production at all levels.  However, anyone with an
   interest in video production or equipment operations is invited to
   subscribe and join the discussion.  The list can also serve as a
   point for asking questions about equipment purchases, equipment
   problems, production problems, etc., etc.
   As the list grows it may also become a location for posting
   verifiable position in video production.  If you are aware of
   positions, send them directly to me for posting.  The list is
   currently moderated to avoid duplication and "junk mail" from
   reaching the subscribers.
   Once again, anyone with an interest in video is welcome to subscribe.
   To subscribe to VIDPRO-L, send a message to: [log in to unmask]
   (or LISTSERV@ECNUXA on Bitnet), leave the subject line blank, in the
   body of the message type:
      SUBSCRIBE VIDPRO-L first-name last name
   Owner:  P. Gordon Sroufe   Internet: [log in to unmask]
                              Bitnet:  cfpgs1@ecnuxa