Studies in French Cinema news (CFP/Journal/Book)
Fri, 31 Oct 2008 11:55:45 +0000
1. Studies in French Cinema annual conference call (Screen sounds)
2. Studies in French Cinema vol 8 no 3 published
3. New book by one of our members
1. Studies in French Cinema annual conference call (Screen sounds)
Conference 2009,** **King’s College London, **14 April 2009: **Screen
Papers are invited on any aspect of sound in French cinema. Since the
1980s, the study of sound has been opened up by scholars including
Michel Chion (1994, 1999), Rick Altman (1980), Claudia Gorbman (1987),
and Caryl Flinn (1992, 2004), who have explored aspects of sound in film
from the voice and soundtrack to music. Such studies have been
influential in shifting the emphasis in film studies away from the
purely visual, and towards the conceptualisation of film ‘viewing’ as a
multi-sensory experience. The study of sound can help our understanding
of a wide range of issues in film studies, including questions of
identity, performance, film form and the relation between the visual and
the aural.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
· Music and film
· Sound in the silent cinema
· The transition to sound cinema
· Soundtrack
· Dialogue
· The voice
Papers must be submitted in written form by 15 March 2009 for
pre-circulation to delegates. Participants will be invited to speak for
10 minutes, highlighting the key points of their paper and indicating
areas for discussion. Proposals of 200-300 words should be submitted by
December 31 to Sarah Leahy ([log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).
2. Studies in French Cinema vol 8 no 3 published
It contains:
* Rebecca J. DeRoo, //Unhappily ever after: Visual irony and
feminist strategy in Agnès Varda's/ Le Bonheur/ (1965)
* Susan Hayward, Reviewing Quality Cinema: French Costume Drama of
the 1950s
* Tijana Mamula, Matricide, Indexicality and Abstraction in Chantal
Akerman’s /News from Home/ (1976) and /Là-bas/ (2005)
* Kristi McKim, Time, scale and cinephilia in the cinematic elegy:
Agnès Varda’s/ Jacquot de/ /Nantes/ (1991)
* Phil Powrie with Eric Rebillard, Josephine Baker and Pierre
Batcheff in /La Sirène des tropiques/ (1927)
* Gregg Redner, Fragments of a Life: Becoming-music/woman in
Krzysztof Kieslowski’s /Trois couleurs: bleu/ (1993)
3. New book by one of our members
Nick Rees-Roberts, French Queer Cinema, Edinburgh University Press
French Queer Cinema looks at queer self-representation in contemporary
auteur film and experimental video in France and is the first
comprehensive study of the cultural formation and critical reception of
contemporary queer film and video.
October 2008 176pp Hb 978 0 7486 3418 7 £50.00
Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
University of Sheffield
The Rotunda
Firth Court
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN
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