Re: Orlac, transplantations, body parts
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 12:54:22 -0500
La Lengua asesina/Killer Tongue (Alberto Sciamma, 1996), Furankenshutain
no Kaiju: Sanda tai Gaira (Ishiro Honda, 1966), The Materialists
(1999)--have to look up the director, it was a master's thesis from the
School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Scott Andrew Hutchins
Oz, Monsters, Kamillions, and More!
"Love is not a positive emotion that begins in us and ends in the positive
response of someone else. Love is divine energy that comes from God and
has no end." --Eric Butterworth
On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Klaus Bardenhagen wrote:
> I am looking for films that follow the pattern of Robert Wiene's ORLAC'S
> HANDS (1924) or Maurice Renard's original novel: Somebody is influenced by
> organs he got from a transplantation, e.g. haunted by the evil spirit of the
> donator.
> Of course, there are the "official" remakes: Mad Love, The Hands of Orlac
> (starring Christopher Lee), Hands of a Stranger (1962).
> Then there is Body Parts (1991, Jeff Fahey) and Blink (Madeline Stowe). I
> heard of some Italian horror films and a Tales From the Crypt-episode, as
> well as an episode from Carpenter/Hooper's Body Bags, but could not get a lot
> of information on this.
> I am trying to work out the influence Wiene's film had on the development
> of the thriller/horror genre as well as the implications/themes of this
> particular story: why is it so popular, what basic anxieties does it touch?
> Any suggestions are welcome.
> Klaus Bardenhagen
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