Re: Baiul Canada Olympics
Wed, 2 Mar 1994 15:23:54 -0500
Thought i'd add that the Baiul narrative [biography] was framed on Canadian
TV as presented by Coca-cola - and it was rerun several times. Most of it
was voice-over with ECU of her young and animated face cross-faded or
superimposed on blue-filtered shots of her skating or hugging her coach et
al. Our little footnote was that Josee Chouinard, the Canadian contender
was forced by Harding to skate unprepared as she was next in line when
Harding was given a chance to skate later. She missed her first triple and
fell. This of course became -" Harding's baleful influence" now afects
"one of our own" - I paraphrase. To give Choinard credit she refused the
role of victim and inher disappointment basically said that it may have
thrown her a littelto skate without warning but that she was resonsible for
the result- thereby reinforcing the Canadian cliche that we are 'good
losers'. Our Olypics were very different from those on CBS - and of course
we have the fun of being able tocompare both with a flick of the switch.
Mary Jane Miller
Mary Jane Miller,
Dept. of Film Studies, Dramatic and Visual Arts,
Brock University,
St. Catharines, Ontario,
Canada, L2S 3A1.
Phon;e (416) 688 5550 ext 3584, Fax: (416) 682 9020,
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