Re: Forrest Gump
Mon, 11 Jul 1994 13:58:17 EDT
Having just seen Gump last night, I am delighted to hear your comments
today. My friend and I who saw the film left feeling very angry
not only by the way the film assumed a very limited intelligence on
the part of its audience, but also how it reduced some very serious
politcal issues in a very offensive way. In additon to the ones you
mention, I was particular put off by the treatment of Jenny, who after
what we might assume is an "immoral" life of sex and cocaine addiction
finds herself being rescued by her knight in shining armour. only to
die of some mysterious virus. This virus, I assume, comes as a God-given
punishment for those who do not lead their live by the standards of a
Forrest Gump, much the way AIDS is treated in the popular press.I found
it interesting that Jenny died in 1982, one year before the "discovery"
of HIV. I wonder, is this date consistent with the original Winston Groo
Sadly, Hollywood has once again provided movie-goers with the cultural
construction of a white male heterosexual martyr.When Gump took on the
persona of Moses parting the red sea, my freind and I laughed so hard
I thought we'd be kicked out of the theatre.