Free Book on Net for Video/Filmmakers
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 21:27:30 +0000
Available on my Home Page at is a new
120-page book in electronic form, MEDIANet, which I co-wrote. We are
making the book available for free as a "thank you" to the Net
community and to get out more information to current and potential
Net users.
The book is an introduction to the Internet for video and filmmakers
which discusses the basics of connecting to and using the Internet.
It includes addresses and links to many sites of interest to video
and filmmakers on the Net and specific suggestions for independent
video and filmmakers to network, gather information, and reach your
It is particularly aimed at film students or small independents who
are looking for a way to use this remarkable means of communication
to enhance their ability to work in the field.
I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
--Randy A. Riddle -- [log in to unmask] -- NewtonMail:[log in to unmask]
-- -- Aspiring Documentary Filmmaker,
--sometimes writer for "The Front Page", and general all around squeaky wheel.
--Cool Cat Daddy Productions --Winston-Salem, NC, -- (910) 777-0675
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