CFP Repeat JPFT Sci FI
Tue, 2 Jan 2001 20:29:01 EST
Repeat of previous announcement:
The Journal of Popular FIlm and Television announces a special Summer, 2002,
issue entitled: FANTASTIC VOYAGES: Horror, Fantasy, and
Science-Fiction/Speculative Cinema.
We wish to cast a wide net regarding subjects and critical approaches for
this issue. Possibilities include:
Interrogation of contemporary technological developments and cultural
Archival and historical investigation.
Gender-bending and challenges to traditional gender roles.
Genre blending: conflation of horro and science-fiction/speculative cinema
with other genres.
Impact of the internet and cyber-reality.
Utopian and dystopian futures.
Theophany and spirituality: horror, fantasy, and speculative cinema as
"spilt" religion.
National inflection of these genres.
Body Horror.
Due date for all submissions is l September, 200l. THIS DATE IS FIRM! Papers
hopefully no longer than 20 pages, including references, MLA format if
possible. Disk, preferably PC, together with 2 hard copies, double space.
SASE if return is desired.
Authors should indicate whether a paper can be considered for a general issue
of JPFT, if it cannot be published in the special issue.
Send all submissions to Harvey Roy Greenberg, MD, 320 West 86th Street,
Apartment 3A, New York City, NY l0024-3l39. Inquiries to Dr. Greenberg at
this address, 2l2 595 5220, or [log in to unmask]
Thank you. HR Greenberg MD
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite