CFP: Tourism and Travel Culture for Mexico PCA (6/1/01; 10/18-21/01)
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:38:38 EDT
The Fifth Congress of the Americas is being held at the Universidad de las
Américas -- Puebla, in Puebla, Mexico, from October 18-20, 2001. Conference
participants will come from all over the Americas and the world and bring
interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives to the conference theme
of "Civil Society in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities" and to
other engaging issues and scholarly areas.
Tourism and travel are one of the prominent features of cultures or societies
-- whether accomplished by walking or devised means of locomotion. Movements
from one place to another or others can be driven by curiosity, restlessness,
desire for more diversity, quest for the exotic or sacred, -- ulterior and
interior motives of a complex nature and needs understood or only vaguely
sensed. Those involved in the fascinating study of tourism and travel realize
how rich this field of study is in terms of revealing the interactions of
people in the cultures and societies of other groups or even their own, in
the case of domestic travel.
Panels and individual presentations are welcomes on a wide range of topics
from a variety of theoretical, historical, and cultural perspectives. Topics
can include any of the following: ecotourism, pilgrimage or religious
tourism, extreme adventure or personal challenge tourism, heritage tourism,
historical tourism, cruise travel, commercial package tourism, caravaning,
single purpose travel and tourism (photography, natural history, literary
sites, ballparks, etc.), exotic experience tourism, Study Abroad programs for
students, conference going as travel and tourism, commercially created
tourist sites, and a host of other topics. This is a field establishing
itself and bringing together material culture, popular culture, literature,
sociology, geography, business and commerce, border studies,
internationalism, and other areas into a rich mix--to include motion pictures
and television.
The absolute deadline for submitting papers and panels is June 1, 2001,
although earlier submission of proposals is encouraged so as to allow for the
best organization of sessions.
To submit a proposal send a 150-200 word abstract via email to the area
chair, Douglas A. Noverr, Department of American Thought and Language,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Email address:
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See the Congress webpage at for information on
registration and the conference site and attractions. You can register online.
Douglas A. Noverr
Department of American Thought and Language
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1033
(517) 355-2400 FAX (517) 353-5250
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