Info on SitComs
Thu, 1 Feb 1996 13:05:13 +0100
This years studytour with 65 Norwegian students to Hollywood are coming
close, and I have to gather information about three sitcoms we will see as
audiences. One is well established, but the two others are somewhat newer.
"Married with children" have a plethora of web-sites I am perusing, but have
anybody sat down to look at values, family-bashing, the effect of this
sitcom? (Btw, in Norway the title is translated to "Our worst years".)
"NewsRadio" have survived its first year well, it seems. But what are the
links to Saturday Night Live? And why radio on TV? "Frasier" began running
here four weeks ago. Is this two exeptions, or part of a trend; "Media
portrayed in Media"?
The last show is "Partners" from Universal. So far little of interest to
find, exept the promise for a future home-page.
How do these shows fare in ratings? ( -Is there anywhere on the net ratings
can be found?) Are there any scholars who dare to touch sitcoms, and what
should I read then? -There is time to visit Samuel French and burn some
money on suitable boks between the arrival to L.A. and the lecture I must
give, but links to slightly more serious sitcom-places on the net will be
received with gratitude.
Bjorn Aas, TV-lecturer, Danvik Folkehogskole, N-3046 Drammen, Norway
(Danvik School of Media and Communication)
Tel: ..47 3283 1290 Fax: ..47 3289 1245 E-mail [log in to unmask]
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