fwd: Jewish Film/Video Festival: Call for Entries
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 19:15:19 -0500
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. For more info, see
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Subject: Jewish Film/Video Festival: Call for Entries
Author: Mitch Teplitsky <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 8/20/96 6:52 PM
New York Jewish Film and Video Festival
January 11-29, 1997
The Jewish Museum, New York City
Festival Coordinator: Alexandra Verlotsky
Festival Manager: Kim Bistrong
January, 1997 will mark the Sixth Annual New York Jewish Film Festival
presented by The Jewish Museum and The Film Society of Lincoln Center. The
Festival will be held at the Walter Reade Theater from January 11-23, 1997.
This year The Jewish Museum will also present its First Video Festival, to be
held at The Jewish Museum January 26-29, 1997.
We welcome all films and videos that have a Jewish theme or are of relevance
to Jewish history, culture and identity.
The deadline for submissions for this year s Festival is September 10, 1996.
Please remember to:
- send preview tapes on 1/2 or 3/4 formatted for PAL or NTSC
- include all relevant promotional and press material, including all
film/video stills
- indicate where on the Internet you saw this announcement
Send to:
Kim Bistrong
The Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10128
(212) 423-3234
New York Jewish Festival schedule information and announcements will be
available on the Web at the Film Society Web Site: http://www.filmlinc.com.
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