Re: Editing
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:34:41 -0600
Linear editing refers to editing film or videotape. The film or tape is in
a long linear strip so viewing a particular scene involves running through
a certain amount of film to get to that scene. Nonlinear editing refers to
computer based editing where shots and scenes are saved as individual files
which can be called up independently of each other.
Offline and online editing have to do with videotape editing. Offline is
more or less "rough cut" editing. You make your editing choices here and
end up with an "edit decision list" which is used in the final "Online"
Steve Wilson
>I have a simple question, maybe too simple for this group. However, I
>will ask it anyway because this has been on my mind for quite
>sometime--what is linear and non-linear editing? what is off-line,
>on-line editing?
>Thanks for the clarification.
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