Thu, 1 Dec 2005 15:54:01 -0500
New Directions in U.S. Ethnic Studies
A conference sponsored by the ALANA U.S. Ethnic Studies Program
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
June 6-8, 2006
The ALANA U.S. Ethnic Studies Program at the University of Vermont invites abstracts/proposals for papers, panels, workshops, performances, or media productions from all disciplines and interdisciplines in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
The conference seeks to spotlight new trends, paradigms, formations, and provocations in the still-evolving field of U.S. ethnic studies. As a relatively young and growing ethnic studies program with a comparative focus on African-American, Latino(a), Native American, and Asian American cultures, we hope to generate lively dialogue that interrogates the very concepts of "ethnicity" and "American." We encourage focused studies of specific ethnic cultures, arts, and communities, as well as work that explores intergroup relations, cultural contact zones, multiracialism, hybridity, border identities, pan-ethnicity, and transnationalism. We welcome submissions from a broad spectrum of fields, including American Studies, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, environmental studies, sociology, psychology, geography, history, art and art history, film/television/media studies, literature, ethnomusicology, religion, theater, performance studies, women's and gender studies, rural and urban studies.
We're aiming for a program that offers a vibrant mix of generative scholarship (from textual readings to ethnographic field reports to case studies to theoretical treatises); pedagogical workshops (e.g. approaches to teaching Introduction to Ethnic Studies); discussions about the fate of ethnic studies programs and/or the challenges of doing ethnic studies within traditional departments; performances and film screenings. The conference will run concurrently with the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, with which we will likely co-sponsor several panels and public events.
The deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals is January 30, 2006. Please make them no more than 250 words; include institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address; indicate if a/v equipment will be needed; and attach a one-page vita. Please also indicate whether the presentation is an individual paper, panel, workshop, performance, or media production. In the case of multiple participant presentations, include proposals and vitae for each presenter. Notification will come by the first week of March.
Send abstracts/proposals to:
John Gennari
Director, ALANA U.S. Ethnic Studies Program
University of Vermont
Old Mill Annex 502A
Burlington, VT 05405-0114
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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