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April 1999, Week 3


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Jason Mittell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:37:15 -0500
text/plain (78 lines)

The Velvet Light Trap, no. 46, Fall 2000

Religion and the Media

From televangelism to _Touched by an Angel_, from the Production Code to
representations of the occult, religious imagery, ideas, and experience
have appeared in and around film and television throughout the histories of
both media.  Contemporary industrial and cultural shifts, particularly
those surrounding globalization, niche marketing, postcoloniality, and
fundamentalism, have made the relationship between religion and the media
all the more visible, while controversies over representations and their
spiritual or moral influence remain as persistent as ever.  While film and
television texts provide ample opportunity for the analysis of religion and
the media, so too do the industrial arrangements, social contexts, and
audience experiences surrounding these texts.  Given this variety of
potential perspectives, _The Velvet Light Trap_ invites papers that
contribute to film and television studies by exploring the relationship
between religion and the media.

Possible topics for this issue may include, but are not limited to:

* Representations of Religious Figures or Icons (e.g., prophets, angels,
* The Occult (e.g., magic, astrology)
* Cults
* Millenialism
* Atheism
* Gender, Race, Ethnicity and/or Postcolonial Identity and Religion
* Transnational/Global Media and Religion
* Conflation of Religion and Ethnicity
* Religion and Genre (e.g., horror, Biblical epics, science fiction)
* Music and Religion (e.g., gospel music, church-derived music tracks)
* Documentary and TV Journalism
* Religion and New Technologies (e.g., cyber-religion)
* Religion and Star Identity
* Fanaticism and Fandom
* Religion and Youth Culture
* Religious-based Controversies over Media (e.g., issues of censorship, the
Production Code, protests by subaltern groups, Religious Right campaigns)
* Religious Institutions as Sites of Media Exhibition
* Religious Production Practices (e.g., religious activist media,
* Religion-based Networks/Channels
* Targeting Religion-affiliated Audiences
* Religious Press Coverage of Film and Television
* Religious Education and Media Pedagogy

Papers should be between 5,000 and 6,500 words (20-25 pages double-spaced),
in MLA style with a cover page including the writer's name and contact
information.  Please send four copies of the paper in a format suitable to
be sent to a reader anonymously.  All submissions will be refereed by the
journal's Editorial Advisory Board.  For information or questions, contact
Elana Levine (608-286-1528, [log in to unmask]) or Christopher
Sieving (608-256-3740, [log in to unmask]).  Submissions are due
September 15, 1999, and should be sent to:

_The Velvet Light Trap_
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Communication Arts
821 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin USA  53706-1497

_The Velvet Light Trap_ is an academic, peer-reviewed journal of film and
television studies.  The journal is published bi-annually in March and
September by the University of Texas Press.  Issues are edited alternately
by graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin and the
University of Wisconsin-Madison.  The Editorial Advisory Board includes
such notable scholars as Donald Crafton, Michael Curtin, Manthia Diawara,
Alexander Doty, Cynthia Fuchs, Herman Gray, Lynne Joyrich, Barbara Klinger,
Charles Musser,
Chon Noriega, Lynn Spigel & Chris Straayer.

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