Sat, 15 Jan 1994 11:18:47 -0300
Dear reader,
Due to the wide spectrum of people that might be interested in the
subjects to be discussed during the III International Conference on Systems
Integration, we decided to post this call for papers in your mailing list.
We encourage you to participate in this event as a paper author.
The paper arrival deadline is March 3, 1994.
Please forward this message to whoever you think it might be of interest and we
appreciate your effort to post it.
Prof. Fuad Gattaz Sobrinho
Conference Chairman
Call for Papers
The Third International Conference for Systems Integration
Sao Paulo City - Brazil
July 30th - August 6th, 1994
The Integration of Society for the Social, Economical, Scientific and
Technological Development. This conference focuses on the integration
of technologies, processes and systems, and the development of mechanisms
and tools enabling solutions to complex multi-disciplinary problems dealing
with agriculture, housing, telecommunications, financing and business,
public services, education and software. The conference will provide an
international and interdisciplinary forum in which researchers, educators,
managers, practitioners and politicians, involved within the production
process, can share novel research and development, education, production,
trading, management and political experiences. Papers should deal with
recent effort in theory, design, implementation, methodology, technics,
tools and experiences of integration. Topics to be addressed include, but
are not limited to:
Technical and Scientific Aspects:
- Integration, Modeling, Characterization and Automation of Process
and Systems
- Reengineering and Simplification of Processes
- Computational Environments and Software Factories for Engineerind,
Design, Manufacturing and System Development
- Rol of Human Engineering in Integration
- Experiences within National or Continental Software Projects
- The Implication of Systems Integration for Manpower Skills
- Quality Control and Certification in Organizational and Process
Social, Political and Economical Aspects:
- Experiences in Modeling, Development, Evolution and Integration
of Enterprises
- Experiences in Management and Identification of Value-Add Chains
within Agriculture, Housing, Telecommunications, Financing and
Business, Public Services, Education and Software
- Public Policies and City Management
- Management of Multi-dimensional Integration.
Infrastructure Aspects:
- Qualified Information Resources
- Education and Training
- Science and Technology
- Enterprise Development.
Information and Instructions for Authors: All papers must be in English
or Portuguese, typed in double spaced format, and may not exceed 6,000
words. Each submission should provide a cover page containing author(s),
affiliation(s), complete address(es), identification of principal author,
and telephone number. Also include SIX copies of complete text with a
title and abstract. Notice of acceptance will be mailed to the principal
author(s) by March 15, 1994. If accepted, the author(s) will prepare the
final manuscript, in English, in time for inclusion in the conference
proceedings and will present the paper at the conference; otherwise, the
author(s) will incur a page charge. Authors of accepted papers must sign
a copyright release form. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press.
Send SIX copies of your paper(s) to:
Prof. Peter A. Ng
IIISis - USA Office - New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102
For Further Information, Contact:
Prof. Peter A. Ng Prof. Fuad Gattaz Sobrinho
Fone:(1) (201) 596-3387 OR Phone:(55)(192) 41-4504
Fax: (1)(201) 596-5777 Fax: (55)(192) 41-3098
Email: [log in to unmask] Email: [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>> Paper Arrival Deadline: March 3rd, 1994 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Conference Chair Fuad Gattaz Sobrinho
Program Chair Peter A. Ng
Finance & Business Co-Chair Alcir A. Calliari
Banco do Brasil
Agriculture Co-Chair Ney B. Araujo
European Co-Chair Herbert Weber
University of Dortmund
Pac!fic Co-Chair Fumihiko Kamijo
Middle East Co-Chair Asuman Dogac
South America Co-Chair Julio C. S. P. Leite
North America Co-Chair Bruce Berra
Syracuse University
Tutorials Co-Chairs Oscar Ivan Palma Pacheco
Murat M. Tanik
Organization Co-Chairs Rita de Cassia A. Marchiore
Carole Poth
Steering Committee Chair Peter A. Ng
Honorary Advisors Raymond T. Yeh
C. V. Ramamoorthy
Laurence C. Seifert
Honorary Conference Chair Irma Rossetto Passoni
Sc&Tech, Info. and Comm. Comission of
Brazilian Congress.
Sponsored by IIISis - International Institute for Systems Integration,
BB - Banco do Brasil, TELEBRAS, FINEP, CNPq, FBB, with colaboration of
Instituto Internacional de Integracao de Sistemas - IIISis - Brazil.