Jackie Brown info
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:29:32 -0500
For whatever use:
1. The general atmosphere of the film reminded me of George Higgin's novel
The Friends of Eddie Coyle, which I read seven or eight years ago. In the
bookstore I started to thumb through it and guess what the first words in
the book are? "Jackie Brown"! The character in Rum Punch (the film's
source novel) is Jackie Burke. Don't know if this was deliberate or a
2. One of the cops clearly dates the sting at the mall as summer 96 (I've
forgotten the exact date) but during the scene you can see an ad for the
computer game Jane's 688(i) which wasn't released until the middle of 1997.
Lang Thompson
New at Funhouse: Pazz & Jop Ballot, Overlooked Albums
of 1997, expanded links, William Burroughs obituary.
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