Protecting the Commons in 2017
Wed, 8 Mar 2017 18:00:34 -0800
Dear Screen-L participants:
We hope you'll be able to attend our SCMS panel
Wednesday night at 9pm - Collective Action in 2017: Responding to Hate,
Disenfranchisement, and the Loss of the Commons (call below). We're
gathering two-slide presentations from members and others who are engaged
with projects to protect the commons. We hope to present them as time
permits (perhaps as a quick slideshow and/or handouts).
Please post a 250-800 word blog and/or link to your two-slide presentations
with *Film International* here <> (we'll present these
time permitting). After the session the Re.framing Activism
<> website (see @re_activism
<>) would like to publish a selection of the
PDF versions of the slides - we'll let you know how to submit these for
publication at the session. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
Best wishes,
Protecting the Commons in 2017: Responding to Hate, Disenfranchisement, and
the Loss of the Civil Sphere
Many of us are terrified by the rise in Islamophobia and other racisms,
misogyny and homophobia, threats to the environment and increased
possibilities for nuclear war, the rise of surveillance and the limits on
freedom of speech and movement, demagoguery and the production of
ignorance, and increasing income disparity, to name but a few. What can we
do? What might be most effective? How can we remain engaged in the face of
a frightening new normal? Should we march? Litigate and impeach? Unleash a
“beautiful Twitter storm” of #swampyTrump? Visit Appalachia, the Rust Belt,
D.C. and Silicon Valley (like in the Civil Rights Movement, sharing
experiences face to face)? Connect through Facebook (with its false facts
and siloed communities), prank, make art, forge connections with
corporations and celebrities, make ads and media campaigns, enlist the
wealthy and the powerful, or the religious or the poor? Concede on
cherished issues? Hire lobbyists? Give money to causes and groups, like the
ACLU, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club? Collectivize to launch a responsive
academic journal? Does this moment call for new forms of identity and
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