Re: MLA Resolution vs Proposition 187 (fwd)
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 08:54:48 CST
Author: Susan Denker <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 12/12/94 9:55 PM
[Editor's note: This message was submitted to SCREEN-L by the "Author" noted
above, and not by Jeremy Butler ([log in to unmask]).]
Some reactions to Mr. Jarvik's posting:
> I must protest the posting of this petition regarding prop. 187. It has
> nothing whatsoever to do with the scholarly study of film and television,
> rather is a partisan political initiative.
A rather large proportion of the subscribers to this list are students
or educators. The subject of Prop 187 has everything to do with our
profession. I found it helpful to learn of the existence of the petition
and I endorse Jeremy's decision to post it. (Even though I am not a member
of the MLA.)
> Signing such a petition, I am sure, will discredit the reputation of any film
> or television scholar who is foolish enough to participate, since it would
> reveal a lack of prudence.
I'm sure you don't mean to imply that the signing of political
petitions in general discredit the reputation of a scholar. In Europe,
the political opinions of artists, filmmakers, and scholars are
considered vital to public discourse on political matters. This tradition
has some standing in America. We even elect filmstars to high public
office, and entrust them with national policy-making.
> putative intellectual justification
Hmm. Is this necessary? One of the positive traits about scholarly
discourse is that you can make your points without verbal
Susan Denker