Call for Chapters: Animating Performance, Performing Animation
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 16:09:35 +0000
We are seeking proposals for additional chapter contributions for an edited collection on the intersection of animation and performance.
From the early animators who appeared in whole or in part in their films (think of J. Stuart Blackton, Emile Cohl, or Winsor McCay) to the more recent debates about the creative ownership of motion capture characters, performance is a spectre that is present in all forms of animation. ‘Acting’ and performance are often considered integral to the practice of animation, particularly the process of animating characters. In his 2013 book Shadow of a Mouse, Donald Crafton considers animated characters as performers. At the same time, notions of ‘animation’ and coming to life underpin conceptions of performance, coming to bear on how we might understand and theorise performance across multiple disciplines. This book aims to put ‘animation’ and ‘performance’ in a productive dialogue in a way that will enhance our understanding of animation and performance, both separately and together.
Potential chapter topics include, but are not limited to:
Early animation and the presence of the performing animator
Motion and performance capture technologies
Animation and performance beyond film (e.g. tv, games, interactive media…)
Animation as a form of acting
The use of performance methodologies in animation production and practice
Live performance reference
Animation and puppetry
Philosophical approaches to performance as animation/ animation as performance
Performance philosophy and animation
Animation, performance and geographical and cultural specificity
Issues of representation, diversity and identity politics at the intersection of animation and performance
(Star) voice artists and vocal performance
The performance of live animation (e.g. sand animation)
Intermedial screen performances (e.g. live-action/animation hybrids)
Industrial elements of performance (storyboarding, software)
Please submit 300-word proposals, along with a short bibliography (max 5 entries) and bio (100 words) in a single Word document to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by 17th August 2021.
Dr. Bella Honess Roe
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies | Director of Employability (SLL)
08AD02 | School of Literature and Languages
University of Surrey | Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH | 01483 683049
Student feedback and consultation hours Sem 2 20/21: Mon-Thurs by appointment
Latest Publication: ‘Evocative Animated Documentaries, Imagination and Knowledge<>’ Studies in Documentary Film 15.2 (May 2021)
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