Film-Philosophy CFP 2004
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 20:15:13 +0100
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| | F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y | | | |
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| | | Journal : Salon : Portal | ||| | |
| ISSN 1466-4615 | | |
| || PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD | | | |
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_Film-Philosophy_ seeks reviewers for the following books:
Allen and Turvey, eds, _Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts_ (2001)
Bersani and Dutoit, _Forms of Being: Cinema, Aesthetics, Subjectivity_ (2004)
Robert Blanchet, _Blockbuster: Asthetik, Okonomie und Geschicte des
Postklassischen Hollywoodkinos_ (2003)
Sylvie Blum-Reid, _East-West Encounters: Franco-Asian Cinema and Literature_
Ronald Bogue, _Deleuze on Cinema_ (2003)
Stan Brakhage, _Telling Time_ (2003)
Scott Bukatman, _Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th
Century_ (2003)
Noel Carroll, _Engaging the Moving Image_ (2004)
Sean Cubitt, _The Cinema Effect_ (2004)
Joseph Cunneen, _Robert Bresson: A Spiritual Style in Film_ (2003)
John Cunningham, _Hungarian Cinema_ (2004)
Dai Jinhua, _Cinema and Desire_ (2002)
Guy Debord, _Complete Cinematic Works: Scripts, Stills, Documents_ (2003)
Daly and Dowd, _Leos Carax_ (2003)
Wheeler Winston Dixon, _Visions of the Apocalypse: Spectacles of Destruction
in American Cinema_ (2003)
K. J. Donnelly, ed., _Film Music: Critical Approaches_ (2001)
Nathanial Dorsky, _Devotional Cinema_ (2003)
Aleksandar Dundjerovic, _The Cinema of Robert Lepage_ (2003)
Elena and Diaz Lopez, eds, _The Cinema of Latin America_ (2003)
Elsaesser and Buckland, _Studying Contemporary American Film: A Guide to
Movie Analysis_ (2002)
Wendy Everett, _Terence Davies_ (2004)
_Film and Philosophy_, vol. 7, 2003. [General Interest]
_Film and Philosophy_, vol. 8, 2004. [Ethical and Existential Themes in Cinema]
Caryl Flinn, _The New German Cinema: Music, History, and the Matter of Style_
Colin Gardner, _Joseph Losey_ (2004)
Paul Grainge, ed., _Memory and Popular Film_ (2003)
Suzanne Heme de Lacotte, _Deleuze, philosophie et cinema_ (2001)
Hojbjerg and Schepelern, eds, _Film Style and Story: A Tribute to Torben
Grodal_ (2003)
Dina Iordanova, _Cinema of the Other Europe: The Industry and Artistry of East
Central European Film_ (2003)
William Irwin, ed., _The Matrix and Philosophy_ (2002)
William Irwin, ed., _Seinfeld and Philosophy_ (2000)
Irwin, Conard, and Skoble, eds, _The Simpsons and Philosophy_ (2001)
Jermyn and Redmond, eds, _The Cinema of Kathryn Bigelow_ (2003)
Julia Knight, _New German Cinema: Images of a Generation_ (2004)
Peter Kravanja, _Proust a l'ecran_ (2003)
Andrew Light, _Reel Arguments: Film, Philosophy and Social Criticism_ (2003)
Colin MacCabe, _Godard at 70_ (2004)
Ivone Margulies, ed., _Rites of Realism: Essays on Corporeal Cinema_ (2002)
Millar and Doherty, _Jane and Louise Wilson_ (2000)
_New Review of Film and Television Studies_, vol. 1 no. 1, November 2003.
Martha P. Nochimson, _Screen Couple Chemistry: The Power of 2_ (2002)
Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, _Luchino Visconti_ (2003)
Michael O'Pray, _Avant-Garde Film: Forms, Themes and Passions_ (2003)
Orr and Ostrowska, eds, _The Cinema of Andrej Wajda_ (2003)
Gareth Palmer, _Discipline and Liberty: Television and Governance_ (2003)
Hannah Patterson, ed., _The Cinema of Terence Malick_ (2003)
Patricia Pisters, _The Matrix of Visual Culture: Working with Deleuze in Film
Theory_ (2004)
Per Persson, _Understanding Cinema: A Psychological Theory of Moving
Imagery_ (2003)
Popple and Kember, _Early Cinema: From Factory Gate to Dream Factory_
_Post Script_, vol. 21 no. 3, Summer 2002. [Realist Horror Cinema]
Joost Raessens, _Filosophie and film: Vivre la difference: Deleuze en de
cinematografische moderniteit_ (2001)
Shaw and Weibel, eds, _Future Cinema: The Cinematic Imaginary after Film_
Shiel and Fitzmaurice, eds, _Screening the City_ (2003)
Sider, Freeman, and Sider, eds, _Soundscape: The School of Sound Lectures
1998-2001_ (2003)
Irving Singer, _Reality Transformed_ (1998)
Irving Singer, _Three Philosophical Filmmakers: Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir_
Grahame Smith, _Dickens and the Dream of Cinema_ (2003)
Emma Wilson, _Cinema's Missing Children_ (2003)
Wilhelm Wurzer, _Filmisches Denken: Zwischen Heidegger und Adorno_ (2000)
If you would like to review one of these works then please respond as
soon as possible to:
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By all means indicate alternative book choices in order of preference.
A brief statement of interest and experience will aid in the selection process.
Don't forget your prefered postal address.
Deadline for Replies: 30 April 2004
Deadline for Texts (2-5,000 words): 30 August 2004
Please read our Guide for Authors at:
Submissions are also invited for papers on any topic concerning the
philosophy of moving images, e.g. analytical film philosophy, film
aesthetics, cognitivism, Deleuzian film philosophy, phenomenology,
Papers should be 2-5,000 words in length, original, and not under
submission elsewhere or previously published.
Send articles, abstracts, and ideas to: [log in to unmask]
Do not hit 'reply', or send to this list's address.
Please read our Guide for Authors at:
Founded in November 1996, _Film-Philosophy_ (ISSN 1466-4615) is a
21st century international para-academic 24hour live event version of
specialised academic publishing -- a 'salon-journal' dedicated to
philosophically reviewing film studies and world cinema -- with an
online readership of over 5000 individual visitors every month, as
well as more than 1000 permanent worldwide members of the email
discussion salon. Journal texts are published one at a time through
the email salon, as well as on the website, so that they can be
discussed and contested and continued by salon members. The journal
specialises in publishing extended review-articles on recent
publications in the fields of film theory and philosophical
Contributors include Richard Allen, Stephen Arnott, Warren Buckland,
Tom Conley, Simon Critchley, Sean Cubitt, Chris Darke, Gregory
Flaxman, Cynthia Freeland, Silvio Gaggi, Torben Grodal, Samuel
Guttenplan, John Izod, Eleanor Kaufman, Douglas Kellner, Barbara M.
Kennedy, Marcia Landy, Laura U. Marks, Hassan Melehy, Stephen
Mulhall, Laura Mulvey, Andrew Murphie, Jean-Luc Nancy, Joseph
Nechvatal, Martha P. Nochimson, Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, Dorothea
Olkowski, Edward O'Neill, John Orr, Dorota Ostrowska, Carl Plantinga,
William Rothman, Dan Shaw, Edward S. Small, David Sterritt, Garrett
Stewart, Thomas Wartenberg, and Nina Zimnik.
To join the salon, and receive the journal articles as they are
published, simply send the message:
join film-philosophy YOURNAME
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(In the digest version you will receive salon posts in a single
email, sent about once a day.)
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