cfp-edited collection Captain America
Tue, 31 Jul 2007 17:30:34 -0700
To Honor America : Essays Devoted To Over 65 Years Of Captain America
Edited by Robert G. Weiner
Captain America , who was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1941, has been a flagship Superhero of Marvel comics for over 65 years. He was the first Superhero to blatantly call attention to the Nazis and Hitler, almost a year before the United States entered World War II; the first issue of Captain America Comics showed him slugging Hitler. Captain America quickly became Marvel’s first real super star with millions of his comics selling every month. He quickly became a stable character, and was even featured in other titles like All Select Comics and All Winners Comics. Although he was published regularly during the 1940s, by the end of the decade, Superheroes were in decline. He was revived briefly during the 1950s when he became a fighter against Communism. He was revived again in 1964, and has been a major part of the Marvel Universe since that time. Every month since 1964, a Captain America comic has been published.
Captain America , who was dressed up in an America Flag, was one of the first Superheroes that had a patriotic slant. Far from just being a stooge of the U.S. Government, Captain America represents all that is noble, good, and just about America and its history. He represents the honest ideals of America : democracy, freedom, justice, and the desire to do what is right. He has never been a self-serving Superhero, and in fact is probable the only Hero who never has been accused or written about in that way. Every writer who has used Cap as a character has portrayed him as a Hero who does what is right. In this way, I think one could argue that Captain America is the most noble of all Superheroes, even more noble than Superman, because he does represent the American Ideal. Papers dealing with the Red Skull (as the perfect Nazi?) or Cap villians/Bucky etc., will be considered as well. Please see list below
Please send abstracts for paper topics by August 30th
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Some of the following topics could be addressed.
Captain America ’s role in inspiring servicemen during World War 2
Hitler as seen through the pages of the Captain America Comics
The role of Captain America in the All Winners Squad
Captain America and Atomic Power
Captain America Comics after the war and the “new” female Bucky
1950s Captain America : Commie Smasher
The return of the “Winter Soldier” Bucky back from the dead after 65 years
Captain America on Film (I would write this essay).
Captain America ’s role in the Avengers
The Red Skull as the perfect Nazi
Other Nazi villains in Cap’s life.
Hydra: Captain America ’s terrorist nemesis.
A comparisons between the traditional Marvel Universe Captain America and the recent Ultimates Universe Captain America
Captain America ’s relationship to his partner in the 1970s the Falcon.
Captain America almost partner Rick Jones (A Bucky wanna be).
Captain America during the 1980s.
Captain America during the 1990s.
Captain America as a defender of the Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson’s idea of democracy and justice. Marvel’s Civil War and the Right of Freedom
Captain America and Wolverine: Strange Bedfellows: Not always Seeing Eye to Eye.
The recent death and defeat of Captain America and the mainstream media’s response to his iconic death
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby: Creators of an Icon of Truth Justice and the American Way Timely (Marvel) comics style.
The Fighting America : Joe Simon and Jack Kirby’s 1950s response to “commie smashers” and a “new” Captain America
Captain America ’s disillusionment with the government and his subsequent change into Nomad while the U.S. Agent takes the mantel of Cap.
The Invaders: Captain America ’s role in this revisionist WW 2 superhero group (which was published during the 1970s).
Bucky and the Young Allies: Dead End Kids/Bowery Boys in support of the War Effort.
Bucky and the Liberty Legion.
Baron Zemo and his hatred of Captain America
How romance is portrayed in the Captain America books
Captain America ’s relationship to S.H.E.I.L.D. and Nick Fury.
Captain America Fan Fiction: An Analysis from the Internet.
Captain America portrayed in prose novels.
Captain America and Captain Britain
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