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November 1996, Week 1


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
susan crutchfield <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Nov 1996 15:34:15 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Dear Colleagues,
Late-breaking developments on campus permit us to make the following
announcement of a new faculty search.  Unhappily, we have already missed the
deadline for the December issue of CAA Careers.  May I ask members of this
list to note the following, and to distribute it as widely as possible
amongst friends, colleagues, and students?  We would also be grateful if
people would forward it to cognate computer forums where potential
candidates might learn of this exciting new position.  Thanks for your time
and patience.
Michael Marrinan
-------------------- New Faculty Position at Stanford University --------
Assistant Professor.  Tenure-track position in film studies.  Start
Sept. 1997.  Salary and benefits competitive.  Requirements:
Completed Ph.D. and commitment to teach and advise undergraduate and
graduate students at all levels.  As part of its deepening commitment
to the study of modernist representation, Stanford University will
make a joint appointment of a specialist in film studies in the
Departments of Art and Comparative Literature.  All areas of
concentration will be considered but candidates should have a track
record of teaching film theory, film history and close visual
analysis of filmic material.  Ideal profile would include teaching
experience at the university level, a publication record, a research
project beyond that of the dissertation and a desire to interact with
faculty from other university departments.  A/D 31 January 1996.
Send letter of intent, CV, writing sample and names, addresses,
phone numbers and/or e-mail of three references to Chair, Film
Search, Department of Art, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
94305-2018.  Stanford University is committed to equal opportunity
and affirmative action employment, and encourages women and
minorities to apply.
Michael Marrinan
Associate Professor of Art History
Stanford University
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
fax:     415-252-0604
phone:   415-723-4275
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