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November 1999, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 10:51:33 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (47 lines)
I've found that most books on script writing tell you how to write dime a
dozen Hollywood high concept pictures, which I don't think a book would
help someone write, other than to keep it dumbed down.


Scott Andrew Hutchins
Oz, Monsters, Kamillions, and More!

"Militaries are inherently the most corrupt organizations in the world,
simply because their mission is to kill people and break things."

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, John Dougill wrote:

> How about The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler which applies Joseph
> Campbell's Hero's Journey to film stories in order to emphasise the mythic
> structure that underpins successful scripts.....
> I've just come across the follow-up by another writer that takes the idea
> further by applying it concretely to 50 top films, the aim being to set an
> example of scriptwriters.  I haven't got the book here unfortunately but
> perhaps another poster knows the title and author - it was published this
> year.
> To my mind the books are more valuable in terms of analysis than as models
> for scriptwriting, but they advertise themselves as aimed at scriptwriters
> and Christopher Vogler claims to have trained lots of Hollywood people in
> his techniques.
> Regards
> JD
> Kyoto
> ----
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