Hi, Harvey,
I believe the text you're looking for is:
Theweleit, Klaus. Male Fantasies. Vol 1. Trans. Stephen Conway.
Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota P, 1987.
Another one which might be familiar to you (if you're interested in
German Expressionism for your research on all this) is:
Kracauer, Siegfried. From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History
of the German Film. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1947.
I'd be interested in the source you mention regarding T2...please
forward if it isn't posted here.
-- Mike Arnzen
In "crash and the armored body" (11 Jun 97 @ 14:56), HR Greenberg
> in connection with a piece on CRASH, I am surveying various
> pre-fascist and fascist art movements which were preoccupied with
> machinery. I have cited the Italian futurists specifically. Does
> anyone know of any other movements, artists, et cetera that might be
> applicable? Especially, does anyone recall the English Vorticists --
> Wyndham Lewis, et al, as I remember -- and if this movement had
> fascist leanings?
> Collateral question. I recall that there was a prefascist movement
> of German rightwing youth called the FREIKORPS, also have a vague
> memory that a writer named Theiwilligkeit ??? wrote an overview of
> this organization. Also that there have been references to the
> "armored male body" which came up in a piece a while back about THE
> TERMINATOR and similar films.
> Help on these issues greatly appreciated.
> HR Greenberg MD endit
> ----
> Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
> http://www.sa.ua.edu/screensite
Michael A. Arnzen * Dept. of English * University of Oregon
"We use up too much artistry in our dreams --
and therefore often are impoverished during the day."
-- Nietzsche
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