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September 1996, Week 1


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Bert Deivert <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Sep 1996 07:52:38 +0200
text/plain (56 lines)
Dear Colleagues,
I am working with a class on The Double Life of Veronique
 by Kieslowski and thought I would like to open a thread on Screen-L. I was
wondering how the film was received in America, especially considering that
the ending is different than the European version, although I have a print
shown on Swedish tv with the version Kieslowski describes in his book
"Kieslowski on Kieslowksi" as well as the US version he talks about
released on videocassette in the UK. Any tips on reading are appreciated.
There are a number of parallels I have picked up and I am sure I have
missed some things. Would anyone care to add to my list? We are
contemplating the idea of letting students write their main film papers on
aspects of the film by applying different methods and theory.
Parallels in The Double Life of Veronique
Poland                          France
Veronika                        Veronique
Antek                           Antoine
Room 287 (Holiday Inn)          Room 287 in Paris
Old lady who needs help         Old lady who walks
Heart problems                  Heart problems
Same music of van den Budenmajer        Same music of van den Budenmajer
Wear similar clothing (brown coat and red scarf) in scene from the square
Lives with father                Lives with father
Woman at competition in Poland sees Veronique in Paris hallway and is
sitting at caf=E9
Rubs ring under eye             Rubs ring under eye
I am surprised that there are a number of students that see the film as not
having much to say, all glitter on the surface... There are a few women in
class that don't like Kieslowski's portraits of women, either, so a
feminist reading of the film could be very interesting. I think that
recurring threads in the TRICOLOR group and even from the DECALOGUE are
also interesting aspects of reading a group of themes and characters having
a place in Kieslowski's films made at different times---almost like his own
fictional world, including the fictional van den Budenmajer (Preisner
all the best,
Bert Deivert
BERT DEIVERT   Film Studies / Media Studies
University of Karlstad,SWEDEN     Voice: 46-54-83 81 06
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