On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Cal wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Feb 1996 14:53:08 -0600 Chad Dell said:
> >Though I don't recall a direct reference, Mary Carbine's work on Black-owned
> >and operated cinemas in Chicago in the 1920s is an illuminating work in that
> >area. She write of the jazz bands that accompanied the silent films,
> >creating quite a different spectatorial experience altogether.
> Does anyone have a more complete cite to work on Black exhibition in any
> era?
Mary Carbine. "The Finest Outside the Loop": Motion Picture Exhibition
in Chicago's Black Metropolis, 1905-1928." Camera Obscura 23 (May 1990):
also re"spectatorship see
Miriam Hansen. BAbel & Babylon: Spectatorship in American Silent Film.
Cambridge: harvard University Press, 1991.
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