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December 1995, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 09:36:56 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Resent by Jeremy Butler because of possible problems with original
posting.  Send comments to Craig Russell [log in to unmask]
-------------------------original message----------------------
Hi everyone,
I've just finished my first semester teaching a course in film analysis.  While
I have a great love of film, my academic knowledge is somewhat small - I'm
primarily a writing/literature instructor and begged for this course when the
original instructor left.  I learned a great deal about film during the course
of the semester, but want to learn much more and develop a first rate film
analysis class.
I would be very interested, therefore (and most grateful!), to hear any and all
suggestions about texts to use, approaches to take (historical?  genre?
director?), and films to show.  The books I used this semester - ordered by the
previous instructor - were "Understanding Movies" by Giannetti and "A History of
Narrative Film" by Cook.  While I learned a lot, as I said, I wonder if these
are the best available.  What else is out there?  I would be especially
interested in books particularly about film analysis.  Many of my students had
difficulty, especially at first, in viewing a film objectively, in analyzing
rather than criticizing.
Thanks very much in advance!  I've been lurking on this list for about a month
now, and am very impressed with the width and depth of knowledge.  I've learned
quite a bit reading your posts.  I hope to learn even more!
Craig Russell
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