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November 1995, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Ana M. Lopez" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 12:30:10 -0600
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
The filmmaker in question here is from BRAZIL and is called Jose Mojica
Marins.  Since the late 1950s, he has made a series of extraordinary
horror/cult films (which are either adored or reviled) featuring the
character ZE DE CAIXAO [Coffin Joe].  PRobably his best film is A MEIA-NOITE
LEVAREI SUA ALMA [At Midnight I'll Take Away Your Soul, 1958).  By the way,
there are subtitled video versions of his films in distribution in the US.
I know the tapes are available from Facets in Chicago.
So, and with a deep grin, we are really not dealing either with Asian trash
(!!) or with Macao!!!!!!
>     The AFTRS library is looking for any information on a Portuguese
>     trash filmmaker whose name is (we think) Xiao Di Caixo.  He is
>     apparently the maker of "Tonight I will enter your movie" and
>     "Tonight I will enter your cinema".  For some reasons the extensive
>     databases and bibliographies held in this library somehow overlook
>     this man of great importance.  Sorry..he's also known as Coffin Jake.
>     We think his films come under the category of Asian Trash - his half
>     Portuguese/half Chinese name may point to Macao.
>     Awaiting reply from the wise.
>     Neil Pollock
>     Australian Film Television & radio School
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Ana M Lopez
Department of Communication
219 Newcomb Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
[log in to unmask]
fax: (504) 524-5109
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