I agree with the inclusion of "No Escape" in this thread. One could do a
wonderful Foucauldlian analysis with this flick. The notion that the prison
and criminals are ultimately "hidden" on an island is particularly relevant to
Foucault's _Discipline and Punish_. It is almost ironic that the "prison" in
this case is somewhat of a utopia/dystopia. The "criminals" can interact with
nature and their fellow humans on a thoreauvian basis in idyllic rapture among
the trees and farms. Thus, the "prison" is bounded only by the imagination of
the people living in the utopia; that is, the "criminals" are able to do what
many writers for generations have been desirous of - the freedom to "live off
the land" and all that pastoral crapola. Anyway, a different perspective on
the prison.
R. Scott Burnham Ya never played baseball?
York University Well, come over here and let
North York, Canada me learn ya the game.
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