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June 1995, Week 1


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CNY Conference on Language & Literature <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 11:43:18 +0000
text/plain (119 lines)
Here is a brief reminder about some calls for papers that may be of
interest to members of this listserv.
           CALL FOR PAPERS (abridged version)
                      5th Annual
Central New York Conference on Language and Literature
                  15-17 October 1995
   State University of New York College at Cortland
                  Cortland, NY 13045
The Fifth Annual CNYCLL (scheduled October 15-17, 1995) will feature over
55 sessions on a variety of issues related to literature, language, and
composition studies. As in previous years, this conference's range of
sessions is very broad--encompassing both traditional and non-traditional
topics (sessions on cultural diversity, non-canonical writers, etc.).
The following abridged list includes some conference sessions related to
Film. (If you wish to see the complete call for papers, please check for
this via Gopher, World Wide Web, or by e-mail (at the addresses listed at
the end of this message.)
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
NOTE:  Those interested in proposing papers for this year's CNYCLL should
contact directly the session chairs listed below and offer preliminary
abstracts (or drafts of papers, if requested) by the deadlines specified.
If your proposal is selected for a CNYCLL session, you will be expected to
submit a final abstract of your paper to conference organizers by 1
September 1995. (For details, see the explanation of procedures near the
end of this message.)
In mid-September, final abstracts of papers will be disseminated via GOPHER
and World Wide Web (see the information at the end of this file concerning
Internet addresses). Those attending the conference in October also will be
provided with printed copies of all final abstracts.
                        ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Crossgendered Representation In Drama, Film, And Performance
Chair: Thomas Akstens
PO Box 111
Bakers Mills, NY 12811
Deadline for preliminary abstract: 7/1/95
Merchant-Ivory Film Adaptations: 'Screening By The Book'
Chair: Scott F. Stoddart
Nova Southeastern University
Div. of Liberal Arts
3301 College Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Note: Presenters should plan to use their films during their presentations
to illustrate their arguments.
Deadline for preliminary abstract: 7/1/95; dealine for final paper: 9/1/95
                        ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Reminder about General CNYCLL Guidelines:
Generally speaking, participants should deliver only one paper and chair
only one session. The chair shall consider all papers submitted in response
to the general call for papers and shall not have pre-selected panelists.
Papers should have a 15-18 minute reading time.
To obtain further information regarding the conference, please use any of
the  options listed below.
Information via World Wide Web
Many other World Wide Web files related to this conference are currently
available on the English Department's "Orchard" WWW server
(  Based on a Power Macintosh in
the English Department at SUNY Cortland, this server also contains
information concerning various departmental and interdisciplinary projects
related to the English Department at SUNY Cortland.
Information via Gopher
Information about this conference also can be obtained from other files on
this Orchard Server.  (NOTE: Gopher files related to this conference mirror
the WWW files, so the same information can be obtained by either means.) In
addition to CNCYLL information, this "Orchard" Gopher server also provides
information concerning departmental and interdisciplinary projects.
Information via E-mail
If you have comments about this WWW server information or have specific
requests for conference information, please send e-mail to:
Dr. Thom Bunting
via the Internet at [log in to unmask]
via  Bitnet at CNYCLLinfo@snycorva
Information via Postal Service:
CNYCLL Director's address:
Dr. Alex Gonzalez/ English Department/ SUNY Cortland/ Cortland, NY 13045
CNYCLL Co-Director's address:
Dr. Thom Bunting/ English Department/ SUNY Cortland/ Cortland, NY 13045
** ** **
END of CNYCLL95 file
** ** **
Virtually yours,
    the CNYCLLinfo Committee
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