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May 1995, Week 5


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Henry Breitrose <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 May 1995 13:14:22 -0700
text/plain (24 lines)
It seems curious that some ca. 35 years after the inauguration of "Film
Studies" (dated from the organizational meeting of the Society for
Cinema Studies, originally dubbed the "Society of Cinematologists"), a
thread emerges addressing the paucity of readable and literate film
critics. What's gone wrong?
For what it's worth, my nomination of a most readable and literate film
critic is David Denby, who unfortunately is to be found only in New York
Magazine, which is not widely disttributed outside of the NY
Metropolitan area. . Denby writes with extraordinary style and
gracefulness, and his prose never gets in the way of his ideas. His recent piece
 on Dumb and Dumber is a treat.
This is not to disparage Richard Dyer, who manages to be both a scholar
and a readable and literate critic, and Maurice Yacowar.
-Henry Breitrose
 Dept. of Communication
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