SCREEN-L Archives

March 1995, Week 4


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Mar 1995 14:53:20 CST
text/plain (46 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello, all,
I seek "local knowledge" from Screen-L participants in the Miami, Los
Angeles, and New York areas of the U.S., as well as from tv/cultural
observers in Latin America and Europe (or any where the subject tag
above has relevance!)
The Brazilian superstar "Xuxa" produces a Spanish-language version of her
very popular daily children's tv show, that has run in the past on Univision
in the U.S. cities noted above. (A 1/2 hour daily English-language "Xuxa
Show," taped in New York, has played in the U.S. over the past 2 years,
currently on the Family Channel at 7:30 a.m. Eastern time.)  My questions
concern the Spanish-language version, as it is broadcast internationally.
(Library searches and calls to tv stations have thus far failed to reveal
the information!)
First, what is the daily length of the Spanish-language version?  (I'm
sure it's some length between the 4 3/4 hour daily Portugese version and
the half-hour English version -- but how long, precisely?)   Does any
one know (do we have any Screen-L participants in Portugal?) if the
program that runs there is the long Brazilian version or an edited version
of it?  (Or even the Spanish version?)
Second, does the program run locally Monday through Friday, or also (or
only?) on Saturday, and at what time?
Third, concerning languages "internationally" (not to revive *THAT*
discussion!):  in European countries besides Spain that broadcast
Xuxa -- is there any subtitling or dubbing done?     Has the short
English language version been picked up anywhere outside the U.S.?
Finally:  via what programming means is the Spanish (or dubbed) version of
Xuxa available in each area (e.g., on Univision, via UHF local channel or
on cable?  on what networks otherwise, internationally?)
Thanks in advance to everyone who has information and takes the time to
respond.  Please feel free to post responses, also on the "Xuxa show"
more generally, to me directly.
Ramona Curry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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