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November 1994, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Gary Sales <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 19:37:44 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi- I'd like to offer the following service to students and other
interested members of the list.
 Answers to questions about the industry, production, scheduling,
budgeting, casting, location managing, breaking-in, producing from
scratch, low budget filmmaking, music videos, commercials, features and tv.
I've found that students are so busy studying the medium that some of the
more practical points about how things are done most efficiently, how to
get a job, what are the heirarchies of the bizz, what's the best use of
my time in school, etc., etc. are never covered.  As a working
professional and a former student with ties to academia, I offer my
expertise and experience on-line.
My credentials:
I am a film professional with over 20 years in the bizz.  I have a degree
from Richmond College of the City University of NY.  I have lectured to
grads and undergrads at NYU and the University of Miami film schools. I'm
a member of the Director's Guild of America and have been responsible
over the years for many millions of dollars of movie making. As producer,
director or 1st assistant director I have made 12 features, over 200
commercials, several tv series, many music videos and countless industrials.
Please send questions or comments to: Gary S <[log in to unmask]>