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July 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Allan Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Jul 1994 16:41:00 CDT
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
RE: O.J. Simpson and Tom Hanks
In our culture, yes, in its totality it is our culture, brutality and violence
 are often carefully shrouded in a form of collective denial (much as we see
 taking place in this discussion). This denial doesnUt occur through some
 mysterious process, but rather occurs via the various institutions which
 disseminate, define and buttress our social values. The framing of the
 discussion about Tom Hanks as cultural icon and the O.J. Simpson case can
 either validate or negate this process of denial. The way O.J. Simpson  was
 described/discussed as football hero and is now objectified as an accused
 murderer is remarkably consistent. We foreground some experts, like Mr. Thomas
 and his numbers, and then assume that weUre having a discussion. Soon there
 will be instant replay in the courtroom. It is far too easy to recycle cultural
 archetypes until their rancid banality becomes just too unbearable (it takes
 quite a while).   Given the ideological bias of most institutions of  mass
 communication, it is not surprising that
 television reporting  effectively neutralizes the day to day realities of
 social violence (not simply physical violence) directed towards women AND
 CHILDREN. Maybe Mr. Thomas has some relevent statistics regarding children and
 acts of violence committed against parents; are these children equally
 responsible for child abuse?