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July 1994


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Thu, 21 Jul 1994 14:55:25 +0000
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Errol Vieth <[log in to unmask]>
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
A couple of days ago Denise wrote:
Och, we're just not postmodern enough, I fear.  I'm used to getting
shot down.  Some people just seem to want to make other people's
lives a plethora of guilt and self-flagellation, punctuated by
loud and fervent sanctimonious diatribes about the Derridean
margins of chocolate chips.
Or something like that.
I make a pretty rotten academic--but a damned GOOD film critic, I
think.  Alas, criticism doesn't pay (much) compared to teaching
18-year-olds the joys of writing, and so I'll stick around academia
and vociferously refuse to be assimilated.
"We are Borg; you will be assimilated|" sounds an awful lot like
"we are Politically Correct; you will be sensitized|" to me.
Just like to say that I have followed your posts in all the recent
controversies.  You sound like a refreshing blast of water in the
superheated swamp of resentment, anger and guilt.
Like you, I refuse to be assimilated into the othodoxies of this
department; the same orthodoxies that one must proclaim in order to be a
'real person'.  As my kids would say: suckful!
Keep the keyboard working.
Errol Vieth
Department of Communication and Media Studies/ Faculty of Arts
Central Queensland University
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