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May 1994


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"Vance Elderkin, NC State Univ." <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 May 1994 18:34:19 EST5EDT
text/plain (27 lines)
I confess, I have a weakness for Letterman.  Maybe it's because I've
spent a large part of my professional life as a radio disc jockey
(much of Letterman's humor is radio-style).
Probably, though, it's out of habit.  After I'm walking through the
hallowed ivory towers all day, thinking deep thoughts about my
discipline, I like my entertainment to be as brainless as
possible...the more stupid, the better.  Letterman qualifies.
Sometimes he'll do some things that are *so* bizarre, that you can't
help but laugh.  The other day, he hailed a taxi driver, and had the
guy drive the cab right on stage, where it stayed for the remainder
of the show.  Guests came out and shook hands with the driver before
they talked with Letterman.
Maybe it's just the people who are up in that time slot who like that
sort of humor.  You may remember that Letterman's show was originally
a daytime show, where it flopped miserably.
Well, I'd still rather watch him than Dick Cavett. :-)
Vance Elderkin
Department of Communication
North Carolina State University
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