Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife Programs & Cultural
I am a brazilian researcher, working in the Smithsonian Institution Center for
Folklife Programs & Cultural Studies in order to make videos about health in Am
azonia in a historical and cultural approach. I would like to know more about w
hat is a scientific film in the human sciences area. I think that Visual Anthro
pology have a field for the scientific film. But where are the diference betwee
n a commercial documentary film and a visual anthropological work. Could be a f
ilm a scientific text? Like a book?
Luiz Coimbra
Internet:[log in to unmask] Bitnet: OFPFLK02@SIVM
Voice Phone (202) 287 3436 Fax : (202) 287 3699
955 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20560