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March 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Mar 1994 11:50:37 BST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Southampton,
UK,announces its new MA programme within the School of
Research and Graduate Studies.  Its interdisciplinary focus
combines academic rigour with the excitement of research
across the boundaries of traditional disciplines, and its core
course:option structure secures intellectual coherence for
each MA while allowing flexibility in the choice of
The MA (2 core units, 2 option units, 2 research skills units
and a dissertation) and Diploma (without dissertation) courses
may be followed full-time (over 1 year) or part-time (over two
years); UK students may seek funding under the British Academy
or ESRC studentship schemes, and in addition the Arts Faculty
offers a number of postgraduate bursaries for overseas
students as well as some postgraduate studentships.
The following MAs/Diplomas are available:
Archaeological Theory
Culture and Social Change
Early Modern European Culture
European Cultural Studies
Film Studies
French Language and Culture
Gender and Culture
Medieval Studies
Nationalism and Cultural Difference
Philosophy of Mind
Theatre and Performance Studies
Arts (General)
The following course may be of particular interest to subscribers to this list:
This MA equips students with a theoretical awareness of debates in Film
Studies, contextual knowledge of the world film industry, and the ability to
apply these issues to textual analysis.  A feature of the course is the weight
given to European cinema, though comparison with Hollywood also plays an
important role.
Applications for 1994 must be made by 15 September 1994 at the
latest, but earlier if possible, especially if seeking funding
(BA and ESRC deadline is 1 May 1994).  Further details of
course content, qualifications required, funding etc are
available from the SRGS Secretary at the address below.
        * School of Research and Graduate Studies (SRGS) *
        * Faculty of Arts                                *
        * University of Southampton                      *
        * Southampton SO9 5NH                            *
        * United Kingdom                                 *
        * Tel: 0703 59                                   *
        * Fax: 0703 59                                   *
        * Email: [log in to unmask]                *