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February 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Feb 1994 09:13:12 EST
text/plain (28 lines)
* To MikeN
*  From LauraO
*         I don't believe that this idea of her having been sexually abused
* during her childhood is a valid explanation of her silence.  I was under
* the impression that it was a result of the traumatic loss of her first love
* which if I remember correctly happened in a fire.  Also, I believe that her
* first love was also a talented musician who aided in the cultivation of her
* own talents.  I am not a psychologist but I feel that it would be safe to
* assume that the loss of this relationship did have a severe impact on Ada
* and could have trapped her into a world of silence.
Do I misrecall this, or was this whole story made up by the daughter, and as
someone has pointed out, there was no appreciable overt reason why she didn't
talk? I recall laughing at the wonderful lie Anna Paquin told with a stright
face. I suppose imagination is right up a child's alley, but I was impressed
by her performance nonetheless. Would she be the youngest supporting actress
winner if she were to win? Was Shirley Temple ever honored by MPAS?
Mark Bunster                      |I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.
Survey Research Lab--VCU          |
Richmond, VA 23284                |
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