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February 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Bunster <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Feb 1994 17:54:35 EST
<>; from "Dennis Ross" at Feb 28, 94 2:57 pm
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
* Dear Mary,
*         What would you have had Kerrigan do with her life to make it
* more noble?  Why shouldn't she make all the deals she can?  What do you
* want from her?  What is your problem?
I can't speak for Mary, but it would have been nice if she (N) had had any class
and Olympic spirit. She was pretty snide, rude, and generally petty about her
finish. By comparison, although Tonya had her own troubles (I thought she'd
lose it when she stopped her program the first time and asked for a
mulligan), she displayed a much happier attitude along the lines of "at least
I got to compete." Even if it was bs, it's called good sportsmanship to
pretend. Nancy's comments toawrd Oksana Bayul, and her blaming judges for the
decision instead of her own skating, is pretty charmless.
Even Muhammad Ali was able to admit defeat when he lost...
Mark Bunster                      |I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.
Survey Research Lab--VCU          |
Richmond, VA 23284                |
[log in to unmask]            |
(804) 367-8813/353-1731           |