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January 1994


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Don Ulin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 Jan 1994 15:51:54 EST
text/plain (25 lines)
Having elicited a massive response recently to my own query about
scientists in film, I'd like to modify a suggestion made earlier.
To keep down the volume of mail without losing information, it
would help if replies to requests for information (e.g. films with
tunnels in them) went directly to the sender of that request.  That
person can then compile the replies and send them to any interested
individuals.  HOWEVER, this has not happened, probably because it's
just a lot easier to type "REPLY" than it is to find and enter the
e-mail address of the person who sent the message.  SO, if the
list owner could alter the settings in such a way that replies to
messages would go only to the original sender, we could probably
cut down on a lot of excess mail.  Anyone wanting to send a message
to the whole list could still do so but would have to enter the
e-mail address for the list.  I know this is possible because it
was done on another list that I subscribe to.
-- Don Ulin
*  [log in to unmask]           English Department    *
*  [log in to unmask]         Ballantine Hall 442   *
*                                Indiana University    *
*  (812) 333-9084                Bloomington, IN 47405 *